How To Install Java

This guide is for installing the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for browsers. Follow the below steps to complete the installation process. Download Java Runtime Environment on this link Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0_201 (64bit) and Java Runtime Environment 1.8.0_201 (32bit)

Step - 1

eWe have provided a link above to download JRE required for Asycuda World. Once you have downloaded the file you have something similar to this file, and you are ready to start your installation.
Step - 2

dDouble click on this file and and you will see this screen opening.
Step - 3

dAn installation wizard will open as can be seen in here on this screenshot.Click on Next.
Step - 4

dOn this screen,wizard is trying to install Java by default in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_201, but if you want to change the path ,you can change here by clicking on Change... button and giving path wherever you want to install Java/Jre. Also as you can see there should be at least 300 MB of space available for installation ,so make sure you have necessary space available.If you are fine with path and size ,Click on Next.
Step - 5

dYou will see this screens.Finally click on finish on second screen that comes.
Step - 6

dThis screen shows that your installation has been successfull. After you have finished installing Java, test the installation to make sure everything went OK

Step - 7

dGo to Control panel you will see icon for Java double click it, and the following screen will come in few seconds.

Go to Serurity level tab as indicated here, they are two or three option depending on the Java you have installed, however select High option if not availavalbe select Medium option.

Go to Exception Site List and click Edit Site List to add the address shown on screen. Click add to add the address then click continue to confirm. Once done you will see the address as shown on this screen.

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